Sunday, February 9, 2014


I don't know what time the fuck it is. I have been locked out of my other blogs.
Just woke up from a dream with the intention of typing it in & google took me around the fucking world with finally letting me know my real blog has been--cough, cough--stolen and in use. Great.
I had some of my work on there. Fuck them mfers. Thieves.
Now, I don't even recall the dream.
I wuz working on my book of poems, but the hell if I will put it here. My publisher--nada either.
I have like a zillion poems & just wanted to get rid of them in a book, then finish my novel of short stories and then there's the one I am partial to. The latter is a novel, but you know something. Not putting it here either since obviously there is no privacy in anything on the net.
So, I am going back to sleep. After i sleep, guess what, I'm starting a new blog someplace else. I had about three and now I am here.
I even went to one with my name on it and another girl had her fucking picture on it just talking away. Thieves, need to be stoned. I guess Biblical days were onto something. I always thought it was cruel to stone people, but that was their only means for basically getting rid of females who had broken their sacraments. So now I go back the fuck to sleep--tomorrow I finish my submissions & hopefully they will b accepted.
No one knows me, I mean like--the real me. I am human, real, I bleed like anyone else and I don't have a fucking b/f nor do I WANT ONE. Men are basically scum of the earth. I never looked after that one bad experience. Actually, I don't even look at men, say, in an elevator unless they ask me a question---when the door opens I am out of there. I don't look at men's faces either--it doesn't matter---but I do matter, that's why I cut relationships out. It's not worth it & all they want is sex anyway. Hell. If I want sex I can do myself.
I would like to think I have a high level of intelligence--in the world of relationships, I have also noticed that the so called couples who say "Oh, we are soul mates (no such thing) Oh we are so happy." They lie like dogs. If the woman is "happy" then she is lying to herself about some fictional rendention of some make believe male in her life--nothing more.
Now, I go back to sleep and no I do not have to have perfect punction in a blog I write anywhere unless it's to save my writing. So if anyone reads then I suggest you go blow yourself. I am a private person & I don't like the world to know my personal thoughts. Looking for a new blog when I wake the fuck up. Five years of education--straight, I am not referring to all the part time college. I am referring to the straight five fucking years of brain boggling, numbing, working my ass off to get my two degrees. It doesn't mean I am smart--it means I am tough as nails or I would not have gotten them in the first place. I am rambling because i need sleep.
Like I said, if you are reading then go blow yourself.